Ben Mor­ris

Ben Morris

Ben is from Tal­laght and trained at Mountview Acad­emy of The­atre Arts. After twenty years in Lon­don, he has recently returned to live in Dublin.

The­atre cred­its include The Bor­row­ers (Gate The­atre, Dublin); Next To Nor­mal (Don­mar Ware­house, West End); Wáltzail Abhaile (An Taib­hd­hearc, Gal­way); Wait­ress (Adel­phi The­atre, West End); Beau­ti­ful– The Car­ole King Musi­cal (UK tour); The Phan­tom of the Opera (Her Majesty’s The­atre, West End), Fid­dler On The Roof (Savoy The­atre, West End); The Com­mit­ments (UK tour); Oh! What a Lovely War (Bruiser The­atre Com­pany, Belfast); Jesus Christ Super­star (RTÉ Con­cert Orches­tra); I Do, I Do! (Upstairs at the Gate­house, Lon­don); Fame (Irish tour); Hair (Euro­pean tour); Here We Are Now and Lis­ten to my Heart (Smock Alley The­atre, Dublin); In the Shadow of the Glen (Union The­atre, London).

Tele­vi­sion cred­its include The Tudors; Del­phine; Detained; Danc­ing with the Stars; The Voice of Ire­land; and Fame: The Musical.

Ben has worked exten­sively as a singer. He has col­lab­o­rated on mul­ti­ple albums and appears reg­u­larly in con­cert, on radio and on tele­vi­sion, most recently with the RTE Con­cert Orchestra.