Cal­lum Maxwell

Callum Maxwell

Cal­lum is a grad­u­ate of the Gai­ety School of Acting’s Class of 2021.

He has just been cast as ‘Bob Newby’ in the West End pro­duc­tion of Strangers Things: The First Shadow (dir: Stephen Daldry).

He recently played the role of John Dar­ling in Roddy Doyle’s adap­ta­tion of J.M. Barrie’s Peter Pan at The Gate The­atre, Dublin.

He recently com­pleted film­ing the role of ‘Colin’ in the fea­ture film Finnegan’s Four­some (dir: Edward Burns).

Notable cred­its include the lead­ing role of ‘Thomas’ in The Cloud Spot­ter (Bewley’s Café The­atre, Viking The­atre, Axis Bal­ly­mun), ‘Joe’ in Philadel­phia Here I Come! (Cork Opera House) and ‘Michael’ in Oh, Brother (Dublin Fringe Fes­ti­val, Bew­leys Café The­atre, Viking Theatre).

He is the Artis­tic Direc­tor of Ragged Ruin. A new Dublin-​based the­atre com­pany which strives to cre­ate the­atre with heart. His debut play Oh, Brother had a sold-​out, award-​nominated run at Dublin Fringe Fes­ti­val 2022, fol­lowed by crit­i­cally praised runs at Bewley’s Café The­atre, Viking The­atre Clon­tarf and Cork Arts Theatre.

Cal­lum is an adept musi­cian and writer with plays in the works for var­i­ous the­atres in the City.