Clara Simp­son

Clara Simpson

Clara Simp­son trained at Dublin The­atre School and at La Classe Libre, Cours Flo­rent, Paris. She began work­ing in French the­atre with direc­tor Olivier Py. She was an asso­ciate artist of the The­atre National Poplu­laire for over 15 years, and has per­formed on many of the main stages in Paris. Her last role at the TNP was as ‘Gru­ach’ in David Greig’s Dun­si­nane . Her solo-​piece Kitchen Blues, writ­ten for her by playwright-​poet Jean-​Pierre Siméon was per­formed in Avi­gnon OFF 2018 at Le Train Bleu, and toured until 2023.

In Ire­land she has worked at the Abbey, Pea­cock and Project. She was awarded an Irish Times The­atre Award for her role in Lolita, and in 2010 she per­formed ‘Win­nie’ in Happy Days, both directed by Annie Ryan. Recent work with Irish com­pa­nies include You Belong To Me writ­ten by Rory Nolan and directed by Lynne Parker; After with Liv O’Donoghue, and exten­sive inter­na­tional tour­ing in Chekhov ’s First Play and Lippy with Dead Centre.

Her Pas moi/​Not l by Samuel Beck­ett pre­miered in Paris and has fea­tured at the Happy Days Fes­ti­val in Enniskillen (2018, 2019, 2022), at the Brick­box The­atre Worces­ter and the Alliance Française in Carta­gena, Colom­bia (2023), and is set to play in Liv­er­pool and Paris as part of the Unbound fes­ti­val (2024).

Most recent screen cred­its include ‘Cather­ine’ in the French tv series Par­lement (2024); ‘Maddy’ in the French fea­ture Ma Vie Ma Gueule directed by Sophie Fil­lières, (2023); and ‘San­dra’ in the French tv film L ’Impasse directed by Del­phine Lemoine (2022)