Colin Camp­bell

Colin Campbell

Colin holds a Bach­e­lor in Act­ing degree from the Lir Acad­emy at Trin­ity Col­lege, Dublin (in part­ner­ship with RADA).

He is cur­rently rehears­ing for the Livin’ Dred pro­duc­tion of JM Synge’s The Play­boy of the West­ern World (dir. Aaron Mon­aghan) which will tour Ire­land in early 2025.

Recent stage cred­its include the Hatch The­atre Com­pany pro­duc­tion of J.M. Coetzee’s The Jesus Tril­ogy (dir. Annabelle Comyn); the role of Troshin in the Rough Magic/​Abbey The­atre co-​production of Gorky’s The Chil­dren of the Sun adapted by Hilary Fan­nin (dir. Lynne Parker); Tom in Eoghan Quinn’s Colic (dir. Annabelle Comyn) for Hatch The­atre Com­pany and Pavil­ion The­atre; the title role in Livin’ Dred’s pro­duc­tion of Tarry Flynn (dir. Aaron Mon­aghan); and the role of Karl in Emmet Kirwan’s Straight to Video (dir. Phillip McMa­hon) for Land­mark Productions.

Colin did an inter­na­tional tour as a part of the Shakespeare’s Globe Tour­ing Ensem­ble per­form­ing in plays Twelfth Night, The Com­edy of Errors and Per­i­cles.

Other recent cred­its include Marina Carr’s adap­ta­tion of Vir­ginia Woolf’s To The Light­house (dir. Annabelle Comyn) for Hatch The­atre Com­pany and The Every­man Cork; the role of ‘Barry’ in Flights (dir. Thomas Mar­tin) at The Project Arts Cen­tre and Clapham Omnibus; Cuckoo (dir. Deb­bie Han­nan) at the Soho The­atre; Scot­ties with The­atre Gu Leor, The National The­atre of Scot­land and The Abbey The­atre; the role of Pig oppo­site Evanna Lynch in the 20th Anniver­sary pro­duc­tion of Enda Walsh’s Disco Pigs (dir. John Haidar) at Trafal­gar Stu­dios, Lon­don, with per­for­mances at the Irish Reper­tory The­atre, New York in 2018; the role of Jimmy in the Corn Exchange pro­duc­tion Dublin By Lamp­light (dir. Annie Ryan) for the Abbey The­atre; Manus in Ing­mar Bergman’s Through A Glass Darkly (dir. Annie Ryan) for the Corn Exchange; Hos­tel 16 (dir. Ray­mond Keane) at Smock Alley The­atre; Coun­cil of Nicea (dir. Iseult Golden), also at Smock Alley The­atre; the rehearsed read­ing All That Is (dir. Ronan Phe­lan) for Druid The­atre Com­pany; and Eccles The­atre Group’s The Wind­steal­ers (dir. Anushka Senanayake) at Smock Alley Theatre.

Colin’s work with the Lir Acad­emy includes East of Berlin (dir. Lee Wil­son), in which he played the role of Rudi, the role of Father Tom Carty in Liv­ing Quar­ters (dir. Conall Mor­ri­son) and the short film Dumped (dir. Conor McMahon).