Conor Lovett

Conor Lovett

Conor is an Inter­na­tion­ally recog­nised Samuel Beck­ett interpreter.

He trained at Ecole Jacques Lecoq and has over 30 years expe­ri­ence on stage and in film and TV.

Stage cred­its with Gare St Lazare include Will Eno’s The Real­is­tic Jones and Title and Deed, Samuel Beckett’s How It Is, First Love, The End, The Cal­ma­tive, Mal­one Dies and Mol­loy.

Fur­ther stage cred­its include Leaves (Royal Court/​Druid); The Bull (Fab­u­lous Beast Dance The­atre); Eleven and Twelve (The­atre des Bouffes du Nord) and Wait­ing for Godot (The Gate Theatre).

Film Cred­its include De Gaulle (dir: Antonin Baudry); I’ll Find You (dir: Martha Coolidge); The Man in the Hat (dir: Stephen War­beck and John Paul David­son); L’Entente Cor­diale (dir: Vin­cent De Brus); Small Engine Repair (dir: Niall Heery) and Inter­mis­sion (dir: John Crowley).

TV cred­its include Marie Antoinette (Ban­i­jay Canal +); Bel­gravia (Carnival/​ITV); Accept­able Risk (RTÉ); Ver­sailles (Canal +) and Father Ted (Hat Trick/​Channel 4).


  • Nom­i­nated for Best Male Per­former (First Love by Samuel Beck­ett) — Off West End Awards 2014.
  • Win­ner 2014 Stage Award for Act­ing Excel­lence (Title and Deed by Will Eno).