Conor Lovett

Conor Lovett

Conor is cur­rently star­ring in the role of Pozzo in a Gare St Lazare/​Geffen Play­house pro­duc­tion of Wait­ing for Godot in L.A., along­side Rainn Wil­son and Aasif Mandvi.

He stud­ied the­atre at Scoil Stio­fain Naofa in Cork prior to attend­ing Ecole Jacques Lecoq in Paris. At the same time, he joined Gare St Lazare Play­ers Chicago and under Bob Meyer’s direc­tion played Joey in The Home­com­ing by Pin­ter, Army in Requiem for A Heavy­weight by Rod Ser­ling, Karl in Banana For The Boy King by Bob Meyer and Noses in The Three Legged Fool by Anthony Ryan. He and Judy Hegarty Lovett founded Gare St Lazare Play­ers Ire­land in 1996 with their pro­duc­tion of Beckett’s Mol­loy. Their sub­se­quent Beck­ett work has cemented a rep­u­ta­tion that places them among the fore­most Beck­ett interpreters.

With Gare St Lazare, Conor has per­formed over 20 Beck­ett roles. For The Gate The­atre in Dublin, he per­formed in Acts With­out Words 1 and 2 and played the role of Bem in What Where at the Bar­bi­can in Lon­don in 1999. He per­formed the role of Lucky over 60 times in The Gate’s revival 50th anniver­sary pro­duc­tion of Wait­ing for Godot (2003), directed by Wal­ter Asmus, in Dublin, Bei­jing and Shang­hai. Pat Kier­nan directed Conor in Beckett’s A Piece of Mono­logue for Cor­cadorca in 2001 and Wal­ter Asmus also directed him in the same play for Rubicon/​Gare St Lazare Ire­land in 2004. In 2005 he played The Old Man In His Cof­fin in Fab­u­lous Beast’s The Bull writ­ten and directed by Michael Keegan-​Dolan. In 2007 he played David in Leaves by Lucy Cald­well directed by Garry Hynes in a Druid/​Royal Court pro­duc­tion in Gal­way and Lon­don. In 2007 Conor work­shopped with Peter Brook for his pro­duc­tion 11 and 12.

He declined the offer of a 12-​month long engage­ment in order to con­cen­trate on Gare St Lazare’s tour­ing, and that year he toured to twenty-​five cities in ten coun­tries per­form­ing six dif­fer­ent shows from Gare St Lazare’s repertory.

On tele­vi­sion he appeared in Father Ted, Fair City, Fall­out, Accept­able Risk, Endeav­our, Char­lie, Ver­sailles and Bel­gravia. On the big screen he has appeared in Moll Flan­ders (1996), Inter­mis­sion (2000), L’Entente Cor­diale (2005), Small Engine Repair (2007), De Gaulle (2020), Ritor­nello (2020) and I’ll Find You (2022). He has read books and short sto­ries on RTE and BBC Radio and has recorded Beckett’s Mol­loy and First Love on audio CD.

He has won an Indie Award (Santa Bar­bara, USA) (The Good Thief) and The Stage Award for Act­ing Excel­lence at Edin­burgh (Title and Deed). He has been nom­i­nated for Best Actor (Moby Dick), Judges Spe­cial Prize (First Love & The End), Best Pro­duc­tion (How It Is) and Best Ensem­ble (The Real­is­tic Jone­ses) at The Irish Times Irish The­atre Awards, as well as for Best Actor (First Love) at The Off-​West-​End Awards (UK) and Best Solo Show (Title and Deed) at the Lucille Lor­tel Awards (New York).