Conor Wolfe O’Hara

Conor Wolfe O'Hara

Conor Wolfe O’Hara is a recent grad­u­ate of the three year Bach­e­lor in Act­ing (Hons) course at The Lir Acad­emy of Dra­matic Art.

He most recently played the role of Edmund in King Lear at dlr Mill The­atre, Dublin and will soon appear as Bas­sanio in their pro­duc­tion of The Mer­chant of Venice.

Conor holds a first class hon­ours degree in Mod­ern Lan­guages from New­cas­tle Uni­ver­sity and speaks both French and Span­ish fluently.

He is also an accom­plished musi­cian, play­ing the tin whis­tle, flute, and uil­leann pipes to a high level, hav­ing played tra­di­tional Irish music in Lon­don and in Fleadhs across Ire­land from a young age.

Born to Irish par­ents and raised in Lon­don, Conor has bases in both Dublin and London.