Daniel Mahon

Daniel Mahon

Daniel is a grad­u­ate of The Bach­e­lor in Act­ing at The Lir.

He was recently seen on stage in Julius Cae­sar Vari­ety Show (dir: Joy Nes­bitt) in this year’s Dublin Fringe Festival.

Screen cred­its include the Meta Quest series The Face­less Lady (dir: John Ross) and the role of Cil­lian in short film Of Mice & Dogs (dir: Eve Duffy)

He recently played the role of James Joyce in Sole Flower, Spi­dered Soul for Smash­ing Times at the New The­atre & Pump House, Dublin.

Other recent stage cred­its include EXIT> PUR­SUED BY A PINT a new play by Kat Ennis for Scene and Heard Fes­ti­val; the role of ‘The Black O’Donnell’ with Quin­tes­sence The­atre in con­nec­tion with An Taín in Into the Dark; and the role of Patrick Hogan in ANU’s Stag­ing the Treaty at the National Con­cert Hall which was aired on RTE Culture/IFI@Home.

While at The Lir he played, Fran­cois ‘Franz/​Frank’ Lafayette in Bran­den Jacobs-​Jenkins’ Appro­pri­ate (dir: Joy Nes­bitt); Barnar­dine & Froth in Shakespeare’s Mea­sure for Mea­sure (dir: Joe Dowl­ing); John Mor­ris in Kate O’Brien’s Dis­tin­guished Villa (dir: Hilary Wood); Vladimir in Chekov’s Three Sis­ters (dir: Marc Atkin­son Bor­rull) and Dr. Gibbs in Thorn­ton Wilder’s Our Town (dir: Wayne Jordan).

His Scene Cred­its include Paul in the IFTA-​nominated fea­ture Who We Love (dir: Gra­ham Cantwell) and the short film Wait­ing (dir: Sinéad O’Louglin) at The Lir and the role of Eddie in Pan­cake Stu­dios’ short film Never Alone.