Dar­ragh Scannell

Darragh Scannell

Dar­ragh Scan­nell is a Dublin-​based actor and writer, orig­i­nally from Gal­way, who grad­u­ated from The Gai­ety School of Acting’s pro­fes­sional actor train­ing pro­gramme in 2024.

Darragh’s recent cred­its include Wo/​Mi (Smock Alley The­atre, 2023), The Oasis (Smock Alley The­atre, 2024), On The Way Out (The New The­atre, 2024), The Bal­lad of Ace and Scotch (Pearse Cen­tre The­atre, 2024), King Lear (Clasac Theatre/​Smock Alley Theatre/​Dean Crowe The­atre, 2024) and short film KAI (2024).

Dar­ragh has also per­formed his own work at poetry and sto­ry­telling events through­out Ire­land, includ­ing Sean­choíche, and was a final­ist at the Con­naught Heats for the 2023 All-​Ireland Poetry Slam.