Elaine O’Dwyer

Elaine O'Dwyer

Elaine recently appeared on stage in The Jesus Tril­ogy, directed by Annabelle Comyn, as part of Dublin The­atre Festival.

She recently com­pleted film­ing on fea­ture film Blue Moon (dir. by Richard Lin­klater) oppo­site Ethan Hawke and Andrew Scott, and is about to shoot David Gleeson’s upcom­ing fea­ture, One Night Only.

Other film and TV cred­its include Madame Blanc Mys­ter­ies; Lies We Tell; Mor­gan; Arracht; Glacaim; Dad­boy and Crash Scene Inves­ti­gates.

Other the­atre cred­its include Quake (Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val); Act (Stock­holm City The­atre); Queen of Tech­ni­color — The Story of Mau­reen O’Hara (National Tour); Sky­falls (Glass Mask The­atre); Grav­ity — A Love Story (Bot­tom Dog The­atre); Wait­ing for Poirot (Hon­est Arts); Close Encoun­ters (Bread and Roses The­atre, Lon­don); In Memo­riam (Court­yard The­atre, Lon­don); 1822, Attrac­tive, Inse­cure (Etcetera The­atre, Lon­don); 24 Hour plays (Lime Tree The­atre); Nuclear Fam­ily (Euro­pean tour); The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Belltable).

Elaine is also a musi­cian and singer, and plays clas­si­cal and acoustic gui­tar. She recently per­formed with Paddy Den­nehy at Whe­lans in Dublin and at the Cork Jazz Festival.

As a writer she suc­cess­fully toured nation­ally her own one woman show about the life of Mau­reen O’ Hara. She is also devel­op­ing a TV pilot script with her writ­ing part­ner in Wales. Elaine also writes spo­ken word on soci­etal themes.

She is a grad­u­ate of the Guild­ford School of Act­ing in the UK.