Eoin Geoghe­gan

Eoin Geoghegan

Eoin Geoghe­gan is a Dublin-​based actor orig­i­nally from Connemara.

Screen cred­its include Call the Mid­wife, Doc­tors, Doing Money (BBC); Seacht (TG4/​BBC); Cold Case Collins (RTÉ); Finky (CINE 4 — dir. Dathaí Keane); Fos­cadh (CINE 4 — dir. Seán Breth­nach); Dark lies the Island (Screen Ireland/​Grand Pic­tures — dir. Ian Fitzgib­bon); Pil­grim­age (Screen Ireland/​Savage Pro­duc­tions — dir. Bren­dan Muldowney).

The­atre cred­its include The Sil­ver Tassie (National The­atre – dir. Howard Davies); Setanta (Abbey The­atre – dir. Paul Mercier); The Turn of the Screw (Almeida – dir. Lind­say Pos­ner); Wait­ing for Godot (An Taib­hd­hearc – dir. Maelíosa Stafford).

He trained at Arts Edu­ca­tional.

Eoin is a flu­ent Irish speaker.