Gemma Allan

Gemma Allan

Paula Trojner

Gemma Allan is a recent grad­u­ate of the Lir Academy.

Gemma played a lead­ing role in the short film Nor­way writ­ten by Andy Petersen and directed by Dave East in Sep­tem­ber 2024, to be released in Feb­ru­ary this year.

In Decem­ber, she he played Oscar in Wild Swim­ming writ­ten by Marek Horn, directed by Alisha Finnerty, per­formed in Gal­way at the Town Hall Studio.

She is cur­rently rehears­ing for Late Night Sta­tion, writ­ten by Andy Crook and directed by Jed Mur­ray as part of the Scene and Heard Festival.

Gemma is begin­ning work as a writer and her short story The End is In The Begin­ning was pub­lished in a Cape Town-​based lit­er­ary mag­a­zine In Other Sto­ries in August of 2024.