Georgina Miller

Georgina Miller

Georgina is an actress, writer and voice-​over artist.

Her debut play, Freefalling, a co-​production between Rough Magic The­atre Com­pany and Lime­tree The­atre in asso­ci­a­tion with Fid­get Feet Aer­ial Dance Com­pany, will fea­ture at this year’s Dublin The­atre Festival.

She is a grad­u­ate of the full-​time actor train­ing course at the Gai­ety School of Acting.

The­atre includes Jilly Morgan’s Birth­day Party (Lime Tree The­atre), Freefalling (Rough Magic/​Lime Tree The­atre), Bread Not Prof­its (Gúna Nua), A Mid­sum­mer Night’s Dream (Dublin Cas­tle), The Light­house Keeper (Amal­g­amo­tion), The Coun­try Girls (Red Ket­tle), The Big House (Abbey The­atre), Unrav­el­ling the Rib­bon (Gúna Nua/​Plan B), The Well of the Saints (Big Telly), The Snow Queen (Graf­fiti The­atre Com­pany), Wild Har­vest (Deca­dent), Action (Locus), Lovers (Island), Where he Lies (Island).

TV includes Pure Mule (Eden Films), Trou­ble in Par­adise (Great West­ern Films), The Clinic (Par­al­lel Films), Fair City (RTÉ).

Georgina won the award for Best Actress from the Guin­ness ISDA Fes­ti­val for her per­for­mance in At the Black Pig’s Dyke (MIDAS).

Georgina is also a busy voice-​over artist and has voiced inter­na­tional adver­tis­ing cam­paigns for the likes of Fáilte Ire­land, Renault, Ker­ry­gold and many oth­ers. She has per­formed in numer­ous radio plays for RTÉ and nar­rated The Fam­ily Project TV series, also for RTÉ.

Georgina was the Artist-​in-​Residence at the Belltable The­atre in 2022.