Ger Kelly

Ger Kelly

Ger Kelly is an actor & singer from Dublin.

He can cur­rently be seen play­ing the role of ‘Teddy’ in Net­flix series Bod­kin.

Recent stage cred­its include the musi­cal Par­cel From Amer­ica at Smock Alley The­atre; Evening Train (dir. Annabelle Comyn) at the Every­man The­atre for the Cork Mid­sum­mer Fes­ti­val; The Great Gatsby (dir. Alexan­der Wright), Ham­let (dir. Yaël Far­ber), Stephen Sondheim’s Assas­sins (dir. Selina Cart­mell) for the Gate The­atre; Twelfth Night, Oedi­pus (dir. Wayne Jor­dan) The Plough & The Stars (dir. Sean Holmes), The Com­edy of Errors (dir. Jason Byrne), The Big House (dir. Conall Mor­ri­son) for the Abbey The­atre; The Sil­ver Tassie (dir. Garry Hynes) for Druid; Heroin, His­tory, The Fam­ily (dir. Grace Dyas) for THE­ATRE­club; Phaedra’s Love, Wed­ding Day at Cro-​Magnons (dir. Jason Byrne) for Loose Can­non and Con­fu­sion Boats, a play that he wrote and per­formed in for the Dublin Fringe Fes­ti­val; this went on to be nom­i­nated for the pres­ti­gious First Fort­night Award.

Fur­ther screen cred­its include Love/​Hate, Trivia (RTÉ); Rosie (Ele­ment); Head­space (Arcade Film); Some­day Sadie (Tile Media); Brother (Fobic Films) and Sin é (NFTS).