Jes­sica Cervi

Jessica Cervi

Jes­sica Cervi is an actress and singer based between Lon­don & Dublin.

She will next be seen in Seán O’Casey’s Juno & the Pay­cock (dir: Matthew Warchus) oppo­site Mark Rylance and J Smith Cameron at the Giel­gud The­atre, London.

Orig­i­nally hail­ing from Dublin, her career began play­ing the role of Ser­ena Katz in an Irish Tour of Fame: The Musi­cal.

Shortly after grad­u­at­ing from the Royal Acad­emy of Music Lon­don, she made her West End debut appear­ing as Bernie in The Com­mit­ments (dir: Jamie Lloyd).

Her per­for­mance cred­its include Sun­day Night at the Pal­la­dium (ITV) and as a guest soloist with the RTE Con­cert Orches­tra at the Bord Gáis Energy The­atre in Dublin.

Recent stage cred­its include Fam­ily Tal­ent Night by Lee Cof­fey (24 Hour Plays/​Abbey The­atre) and Toy Show: The Musi­cal (RTÉ/​The Con­ven­tion Cen­tre Dublin).