Kate Brady

Kate Brady


Kate Brady is an Irish actor with bases in Dublin and Lon­don. She has trained at Bow Street Academy.

Screen cred­its include the lead role of Katie Kelly in TV series The Unreal (dir. Bon­nie Dempsey) for RTE; the guest lead role of Bea in TV series Harry Wild (dir. Robert Quinn) for BBC/​Amazon Prime, oppo­site Jane Sey­mour.

The­atre cred­its include I Can’t Do A Cart­wheel (dir. Lorna Ket­tle) in Smock Alley The­atre, Freddo Bars & Cig­ars (dir. Riain Con­don) in Smock Alley The­atre, The Cau­casian Chalk Cir­cle (dir. Kevin O’Connor) in Cavan Town­hall Arts Centre.