Macleod Stephen

Macleod Stephen

Macleod is a Scot­tish Actor based between Lon­don & Dublin. He is a grad­u­ate of The Lir Acad­emy Bach­e­lor of Act­ing Course.

He was recently seen on TV as Pierce in Sea­son 2 of Gran­ite Har­bour (BBC). He just com­pleted film­ing the role of Fer­gus Har­ris in Sea­son 9 of Shet­land (BBC).

Recent stage cred­its include Bally­bridge­wa­ter by Ultan Pringle (24 Hour Plays/​Abbey The­atre), and the role of Kevin in Verdant’s gender-​reversed pro­duc­tion of Mamet’s Speed the Plow (dir: Andy Crook & Janet Moran). For Anú Pro­duc­tions, he played Sea­mus Robin­son in Stag­ing the Treaty directed by Louise Lowe and var­i­ous roles in Miasma directed by Saman­tha Cade.

While at The Lir, he played Sergei Bassov in Sum­mer­folk (dir: Tom Creed), Cae­sar in Julius Cae­sar dir: Marc Atkin­son Bor­rull), Dave in The Antipodes (dir: Ronan Phe­lan), and George in The Unre­turn­ing (dir: Jack Reardon).

Macleod has bases in Dublin, Lon­don, and Scotland.