Myles Feer­ick

Myles Feerick

Myles is a recent grad­u­ate of the Gai­ety School of Act­ing Pro­fes­sional Act­ing Train­ing Course. He also stud­ied Musi­cal The­atre at the Amer­i­can Col­lege Dublin. Myles has stud­ied at the Lee Stras­berg Film &The­atre Insti­tute in LA.

He recently played ‘Hor­a­tio’ in Ham­let (National Opera House, Wex­ford) and played the role of ‘Fionn’ in Fionn agus Clochán an Aifir (Fíbín/An Taib­hd­hearc, Galway).

Screen cred­its include the role of ‘Kieran’ in Meta Quest series The Face­less Lady (dir: John Ross).

Fur­ther stage cred­its include Upstairs (Smock Alley/​Pearse Cen­tre); Oreste (Smock Alley); Toy Show: The Musi­cal (RTÉ/​National Con­ven­tion Cen­tre); Strange Days (Smock Alley The­atre) and the role of ‘Demetrius’ in Shakespeare’s A Mid­sum­mer Night’s Dream (Menapia The­atre Company).