Natalie Brit­ton

Natalie Britton

Natalie is an award win­ning actor and pro­ducer from Dublin, Ireland.

She trained pro­fes­sion­ally at ALRA Drama School in Lon­don before mov­ing to Los Ange­les where she worked for many years.

Natalie has appeared in many fea­ture films & net­work TV series. Some of her most notable cred­its include NCIS:LA (CBS) Max­ine (Chan­nel 5 /​Net­flix) Quan­tum Leap (NBC) & Curb Your Enthu­si­asm (HBO).

Cur­rent act­ing work includes the role of ‘Susan­nah’ in Chan­nel 5’s upcom­ing series The Au-​Pair, ‘Megan’ in Hall­mark Movie ‘Tis the Sea­son and two short films Turn­around and Med­i­c­i­nal which both pre­miered at Gal­way Film Fleadh in July 2024.

She is also an expe­ri­enced VO artist, hav­ing recorded var­i­ous projects for Dis­ney, Ama­zon, O’Briens Fine Wine and many more.

Natalie holds Irish, Cana­dian and US cit­i­zen­ship. She is a mem­ber of SAG AFTRA and Irish Equity.