Nichola MacEvilly

Nichola MacEvilly

Nichola MacEvilly is an actress and singer.

She trained at Rose Bru­ford Lon­don, and holds an MA from Royal Cen­tral School of Speech and Drama.

The­atre includes: Long Day’s Jour­ney into Night (West End); Girl from the North Coun­try (Kennedy Cen­ter, Wash­ing­ton DC); Fun Home (Gate The­atre Dublin); Girl from the North Coun­try (Olympia/​UK Tour); world pre­mière of Peter Sheridan’s Philo; The Odd Cou­ple (The Every­man); The Wake (Abbey The­atre); Con­stance, Snap­shot (Hawks Well The­atre); The Only Jeal­ousy of Emer,The Poor Mouth and Rhi­noc­eros (Blue Rain­coat The­atre Com­pany); The Way of Water (Eng­lish The­atre Berlin) Mac­beth and Oth­ello (Mill The­atre) Besieged, Five Min­utes Later, Eth­ica, and All Hell Lay Beneath (Sugarglass/​Marc Atkin­son Borrull).

TV and Film include: Seven Women (RTE); Sojourn, Run­ner (Paddy Slat­tery); The Lonely Tree (BAFTA Nom­i­nated), Talk to me (BBC); The Bill (ThamesTelevision).

As a singer Nichola has per­formed exten­sively, includ­ing with the great Ennio Mor­ri­cone, and recorded with leg­endary artists includ­ing Indian, Kieran Quinn, Bed­lam Suit­case and Those Ner­vous Animals.