Oliver Flit­croft

Oliver Flitcroft

Oliver is a grad­u­ate of the Bach­e­lor in Act­ing (Hons) Course at The Lir Academy.

He recently played the role of Bartell D’Arcy in the Landmark/​ANU pro­duc­tion of The Dead which took place at MoLI over the fes­tive period.

He has recently com­pleted film­ing the role of ‘Con­sta­ble Weaver’ in The CW series Sher­lock & Daugh­ter and will next be seen in the role of ‘John Hughes’ in Sea­son 2 of Apple+/Merman series Bad Sis­ters.

Recent stage cred­its include roles of ‘Laertes’ and ‘Guilden­stern’ in Ham­let (National Opera House, Wex­ford); Here We Go Again by Han­nah Mamalis (24 Hour Plays/​Abbey The­atre); the role of Ronán in Seán Mac Dhonnagáin’s An Chos Eile (Aer­ach Aiteach Gaelach/​Axis Bal­ly­mun) and Karen Egan’s play War­rior (Smock Alley/​Dublin The­atre Festival).

He recently par­tic­i­pated in Con­ver­sa­tions on a Play­wright: Tom Mur­phy where he per­formed the role of ‘Harry Stone’ in The Sanc­tu­ary Lamp (dir: Marty Rea).

Fur­ther screen Cred­its include the role of ‘Arthur’ in fea­ture film Cas­tle X (dir. Eóin Heaney) and ‘Brian’ in the sec­ond series of the crit­i­cally acclaimed series The Dry (dir: Paddy Breath­nach) for ITVX and RTÉ.

Fur­ther stage cred­its include the role of ‘Tom’ in the musi­cal Gold in the Water which was Cre­ated by Shane O’Reilly with Paul Cur­ley, Com­posed by Denis Clo­hessy, and Directed by Ronan Phe­lan at the Project Arts Cen­tre; the RTE pro­duc­tion Toy Show: The Musi­cal and Edna O’Brien’s Joyce’s Women directed by Conall Mor­ri­son at the Abbey Theatre.

Lir cred­its include the role of ‘Bo’ in Bran­den Jacobs Jenk­ins’ Appro­pri­ate (dir: Joy Nes­bitt); the role of ‘The Man’ in Jez Butterworth’s The River (dir: Cathal Cleary); Moisés Kaufman’s The Laramie Project (dir: Davey Kelle­her); the role of ‘Alexan­der Ignat­e­vich Ver­shinin’ in Chekov’s Three Sis­ters (dir: Marc Atkin­son Bor­rull) and the role of ‘Mr. Webb’ in Thorn­ton Wilder’s Our Town (dir: Wayne Jordan).