Ris­teárd Cooper

Risteárd Cooper

Doreen Kilfeather

Ris­teárd Cooper most recently appeared in Cir­cle Mir­ror Trans­for­ma­tion at the Gate The­atre, Dublin, to crit­i­cal acclaim. Other notable the­atre includes Ship­wreck (dir. Rupert Goold; Almeida The­atre); Conor McPherson’s The Weir (dir. Josie Rourke; Don­mar Ware­house and West End); Juno and the Pay­cock (dir. Howard Davies; Abbey The­atre and The National, Lon­don) and Pyg­malion (dir. Annabelle Comyn; Abbey The­atre).

Ris­teárd recently wrapped on Stephen Bradley’s lat­est fea­ture, Fran the Man. Other recent screen cred­its include Mur­der in G Major for Hall­mark, play­ing “Eamon McCarthy”; the four-​part mini-​series The Inher­i­tance for Chan­nel 5; Amazon’s ten-​part series The Power; ITV’s Too Close oppo­site Emily Wat­son and Stephen Frears’ hit series Quiz, play­ing ‘David Lid­di­ment’. Other high­lights include No Offence and two series of Deli­cious with Dawn French.

Ris­teárd is also well known for his bril­liant com­edy work, and as a mem­ber of the much-​loved Après Match trio.