Sarah Mor­ris

Sarah Morris

Sarah is a Dublin-​based actress.

She recently played the role of Julia Power in the stage adap­ta­tion of Emma O’Donoghue’s The Pull of the Stars directed by Louise Lowe at The Gate Theatre.

Fur­ther stage cred­its include the roles of Sarah Kir­wan in Ham­mam, and Nan­nie in The Lost O’Casey directed by Louise Lowe (ANU/​Abbey The­atre); Druid O’Casey, Druid Gre­gory, Three Short Come­dies directed by Garry Hynes (Druid); Nick Payne’s Con­stel­la­tions directed by Marc Atkin­son Bor­rull (The Gate The­atre); Tom Murphy’s A Whis­tle in the Dark directed by Jason Byrne, Sean P. Sum­mers’ Tina’s Idea of Fun directed Conall Mor­ri­son (Abbey The­atre); David Ives’ Venus in Furs directed by Olivia Songer (Rough Magic); Ais­ling O’Mara’s Next Please directed by Iseult Golden (Bewley’s Café The­atre); Torch directed by Louise Lowe (ANU/​Heart of Glass/​Idle Women); Shaun Dunne’s What Did I Miss (The Ark); David Horan’s Class directed by Iseult Golden & David Horan (Inis Theatre/​Abbey The­atre); and King Lear directed by Paul Meade (Sec­ond Age).

Screen cred­its include the screen adap­ta­tion of Claire Kilroy’s Small Things Like These (dir: Tim Mielants); X Marks the Spot and Head­cases (dir: Hugh O’Conor); Inspek­tor Jury (dir: Mar­cus Ilbricht) and Dumped (dir: Conor McMahon).

Sarah is a grad­u­ate of The Lir Acad­emy Bach­e­lor of Act­ing Course.

Awards: Irish Times The­atre Award — Best Actress for The Lost O’Casey