Sean Fox

Sean Fox

Sean Fox is an actor born in Leitrim, Ire­land. Sean trained at both LAMDA, (Lon­don Acad­emy of Music and Dra­matic Arts) and the Bow Street Acad­emy for Screen Act­ing in Dublin. Since grad­u­at­ing, he has fre­quented the stage and screen in both the UK and Ireland.

Screen cred­its include Jimmy’s Hall (Dir. Ken Loach), Rebel­lion (Netflix/​RTE), Small­town (Dir. Ger­ard Bar­rett) and Holby City.

Stage cred­its include The Weir (Abbey The­atre), The Tam­ing of the Shrew (Shakespeare’s Globe), The Crip­ple of Inish­maan ( Gai­ety The­atre) and Meat (The­atre 503).

Sean is best known for his por­trayal of Fitzer in Taken Down, directed by David Caf­frey (Peaky Blind­ers, The Alienist, Love/​Hate).