Tom Moran

Tom Moran

Tom is a Dublin-​based actor & writer.

He recently com­pleted a national tour of his crit­i­cally acclaimed play Tom Moran is a Big Fat Filthy Dis­gust­ing Liar (dir: Davey Kelle­her), which included a run at The Abbey; with suc­cess­ful runs at the Edin­burgh & Dublin Fringe Fes­ti­vals. Tom shall bring the show to this year’s Syd­ney Fringe Fes­ti­val and he is cur­rently devel­op­ing it with Dead­pan Pic­tures towards an 8 X 30 Com­edy Drama TV Series.

★★★★ “Smartly writ­ten, wryly witty and pro­foundly pierc­ing” — The Scotsman

★★★★★ “The most sear­ingly hon­est and mov­ing show of the year” –The Arts Review

Other the­atre cred­its include the role of Eamon Dug­gan in ANU Pro­duc­tions’ Stag­ing the Treaty directed by Louise Lowe; ‘Big Deal’ in West Side Story (Bord Gáis Energy The­atre); Romeo in Romeo & Juliet, Edgar in King Lear (Mill The­atre); Jack Absolute in Richard Brins­ley Sheridan’s The Rivals (Smock Alley The­atre(; and Cor­mac in Cop­per Face Jacks: The Musi­cal (Olympia Theatre).

On screen he starred along­side India Mullen and Justin Long in the fea­ture film The Christ­mas Break (BBC & Sam­son Films); Stag­ing the Treaty (ANU/​RTÉ/​IFI); Vikings (Ama­zon Prime). Short film cred­its include Pit Stop; A Mil­lion Stars Already Dead; One Night in Dublin; and iWorld.