Tony Doyle

Tony Doyle

Tony Doyle is an Irish actor & writer with bases in Dublin and London.

Recent screen work includes the Scan­di­na­vian fea­ture film Stormskerry Maja (Dir. Tiina Lymi); Sun­light (Dir. Claire Dix) along­side Barry Ward and a lead­ing role in John Con­nors’ award-​winning debut fea­ture film The Black Guelph.

Other screen high­lights include KIN (Net­flix), Dublin Old­school, Michael Inside, Aoife McArdle’s debut fea­ture film Kiss­ing Can­dice (TIFF) and the lead role in Jim Sheridan’s short film 11th Hour (Tribecca) where he starred along­side Acad­emy Award nom­i­nee Salma Hayek.

His stage work includes ANU/​Landmark Production’s The Book of Names and Stag­ing The Treaty. He also com­pleted a national tour of his one-​man show Week­end War­rior which is now in devel­op­ment as a 6 part TV series.

He was nom­i­nated for a Dis­cov­ery Award by Dublin Inter­na­tional Film Fes­ti­val for his Screen Ire­land, Actor As Cre­ator short film Guard Up.