Amy Con­roy

Amy Conroy

Amy Con­roy is an actor, play­wright, and the­atre maker.

Her first radio play, Hold This, was recorded and broad­cast on RTÉ Radio One in Sep­tem­ber 2010. Her first stage play, I ♥ Alice ♥ I, won the Fisham­ble Award for New Writ­ing in the 2010 Dublin Fringe Fes­ti­val and has enjoyed sold out runs in the Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val, the Pea­cock stage of the Abbey The­atre Dublin, and has toured exten­sively world­wide. It is pub­lished by Oberon.

Her sec­ond show, Eter­nal Ris­ing of the Sun, won the Best Female Per­former Award when it pre­miered at Dublin Fringe Fes­ti­val 2011. The show enjoyed suc­cess­ful runs in the Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val 2012, Fringe World in Perth, Aus­tralia, and a staged read­ing in Syd­ney The­atre Company.

In Sep­tem­ber 2013, Amy and her com­pany Hot­ForThe­atre pre­sented Break, which com­bined spo­ken word, music and text in Dublin Fringe Fes­ti­val. Luck Just Kissed You Hello pre­miered at the Gal­way Inter­na­tional Arts Fes­ti­val in 2015, con­cluded a sell out run for the Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val later the same year, it was nom­i­nated for Best New Play in the Irish Times The­atre Awards 2016 toured nation­ally and was recently restaged in The Peacock.

Her most recent play, The Boy Who Talked to Dogs, a com­mis­sion by Aus­tralian the­atre com­pany Slingsby and co-​pro with Draiocht, pre­miered at the Ade­laide The­atre Fes­ti­val 2021, toured Aus­tralia and was pro­grammed in Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val 2023.

Amy has per­formed in count­less pro­duc­tions over the years, includ­ing Citysong, directed by Caitri­ona McLaugh­lin (Abbey The­atre and Soho The­atre, Lon­don), for which she was nom­i­nated as Best Sup­port­ing Actress in the Irish Times The­atre Awards 2019; Hold­ing (ITV) directed by Kathy Burke; and Every Bril­liant Thing, directed by Andrea Ainsworth (Peacock/​National Tour).

She directed Me Sara (Prim­ing the Canon) for the Abbey The­atre, which played in the Pea­cock and toured nation­ally; Look­ing Deadly (Dublin Fringe – National tour); Here and Now by Veron­ica Dyas, and Sham (Gúna Núa) in the Belltable.