Amy Kidd

Amy Kidd

Amy Kidd is an actor and play­wright who trained (in act­ing) at The Lir Acad­emy, Dublin.

Amy’s debut full-​length play, Break­ing, was pro­duced by Fisham­ble: The New Play Com­pany this year, as part of the Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val, under the direc­tion of Jim Culleton.

She is cur­rently work­ing on her next play, for which she is in receipt of Arts Coun­cil Fund­ing and sup­ported by The Abbey, the Irish The­atre Insti­tute and FringeLab.

Amy is also a found­ing mem­ber of emerg­ing Irish the­atre com­pany Anseo Anois The­atre, with whom she has worked pri­mar­ily as an actor, but also as a col­lab­o­rat­ing artist on the writ­ing & devel­op­ment of new plays and as a director.

Act­ing cred­its with the com­pany include: Neesh in Keep­ing Vigil by Oon­agh Wall, Alex in Wild by Jenna Kamal (co-​production with Rum­ble The­atre), Ais­ling in Paler Still by Oon­agh Wall (writ­ten in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the cast) and, most recently, Sylvia in the Irish Pre­mière of The Pride by Alexi Kaye Campbell.

Other the­atre cred­its include: Sarah Cur­ren in A Beauty That Will Pass (Rath­farn­ham Cas­tle), Jess in Love and Money (Sarah­Mann Com­pany, Brighton Fringe), Mary in The Last (Dif­fer­enTThe­atre, tour­ing pro­duc­tion), Beat­rice in Inferno21: Dante’s Mas­ter­piece Reimag­ined (Ver­dant Productions/​The Lyric Belfast), Sweet­heart in But You Stopped Their Hearts (ReBoot 2020/​The Inter­na­tional Bar) and Young Woman in You Can Leave At Any Time (Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val 2019).

TV includes Sanc­tu­ary (Sea­son 2).

Other screen work includes the shorts Bad Beat (dir. Elena Walsh O’Brien), Grind (dir. John Fran­cis Skally), The Wed­ding (dir. Fiona Stout) and Short Stay (dir. Ruth Mee­han). All short films.