Annie Ryan

Annie Ryan

Annie Ryan is a multi-​award-​winning the­atre direc­tor cur­rently expand­ing her work to screen.

Trained in act­ing and impro­vi­sa­tion at the Chicago’s famed Piven The­atre Work­shop, she per­formed in the­atre and film as a teenager.

After grad­u­at­ing from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, she moved to Dublin and founded her com­pany, The Corn Exchange in 1995, where she built an inter­na­tion­ally cel­e­brated reper­toire of orig­i­nal works and re-​imaginings of iconic texts in col­lab­o­ra­tion with her dynamic ensem­ble com­pany. The work has been described as ‘razor-​sharp’ (Irish Times), ‘coura­geously fem­i­nist’ (Guardian), ‘tire­less, pas­sion­ate and exact’ (New York Times).

Annie shad­owed direc­tor Lenny Abra­ham­son on Sally Rooney’s Nor­mal Peo­ple for Hulu/​BBC and won an Arts Coun­cil Bur­sary in Film in 2020, which sup­ported her to exper­i­ment in the form towards devel­op­ing a range of new works for film.

She is cur­rently in devel­op­ment with Wild­cat Pic­tures to bring Louise Kennedy’s award-​winning col­lec­tion, The End of the World is A Cul de Sac to screen as an anthol­ogy film, com­pris­ing some of Ireland’s most excit­ing female filmmakers.

Her short-​short film You Do Not Have to Be Good, star­ring Simone Collins and Gill Buckle, pre­miered in the Chicago Irish Film Fes­ti­val 2024.

Direct­ing for Corn Exchange includes Dublin­ers by James Joyce, adapted by Michael West and Annie Ryan. A new, con­tem­po­rary ver­sion, co-​produced by Smock Alley June 2022; a co-​production with Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val 2012, Gai­ety The­atre; The Fall of the Sec­ond Repub­lic by Michael West and Annie Ryan. An orig­i­nal ensem­ble work co-​produced by the Abbey The­atre, March 2020; The Mis­fits by Arthur Miller, reimag­ined for the stage and directed by Annie Ryan, Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val, Octo­ber 2018; Dublin By Lamp­light by Michael West in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the com­pany. Revival of inter­na­tion­ally acclaimed pro­duc­tion, Abbey The­atre, March 2017; Project Arts Cen­tre, Nov 2004; Tra­verse, Edin­burgh Fringe 2005; Ten Days on the Island, Tas­ma­nia and UK tour 2007.

Free­lance direct­ing work for the­atre includes The White Devil by John Web­ster, Sam Wana­maker Play­house, Shakespeare’s Globe; Fool For Love by Sam Shep­ard, Abbey The­atre; Come and Go by Samuel Beck­ett, Gate The­atre and Barbican.

Other Corn Exchange work includes:

The Seag­ull by Anton Chekhov, a new ver­sion by Michael West and Annie Ryan. Gai­ety The­atre, in co-​production with Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val 2016; Through A Glass Darkly by Ing­mar Bergman, adapted by Jenny Warton, Project Arts Cen­tre 2015; A Girl is A Half-​Formed Thing by Eimear McBride, adapted for the stage and directed by Annie Ryan, star­ring Aoife Duf­fin. Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val 2014; Irish and UK tour includ­ing six week run at Young Vic, Lon­don and Barysh­nikov Arts Cen­tre, NYC 2016; Desire Under the Elms by Eugene O’Neill, Smock Alley, Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val 2013; Man of Val­our by Michael West, Annie Ryan and Paul Reid. Cork Mid­sum­mer Fes­ti­val; Tra­verse, Edin­burgh Fringe; Dublin Fringe 2011 and tour to Project; Dublin and Irish tour 2013; Happy Days by Samuel Beck­ett. Project Arts Cen­tre, Nov 2010. Win­ner of Best Light­ing Design, Irish Times The­atre Awards 2010; Freefall by Michael West in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the com­pany. Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val 2009 and Abbey The­atre, Dublin; tour to Ger­many, Edin­burgh, Mex­ico 2010; Cat On A Hot Tin Roof by Ten­nessee Williams, Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val 2008; Every­day by Michael West in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the com­pany, Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val and Irish tour 2006; Mud by Maria Irene Fornes, Project Arts Cen­tre, Sep­tem­ber 2003; Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov adapted by Michael West, star­ring Ruth Negga. Co-​production with Abbey The­atre, Pea­cock, Sep­tem­ber 2002; Foley by Michael West. Unfringed Fes­ti­val 2000; Belltable Arts Cen­tre, Lim­er­ick and Dublin Fringe Fes­ti­val 2000; Irish Tour; Tra­verse, Edin­burgh Fringe and Ham­stead The­atre 2001; US Tour 2003; Car Show (4 plays in 4 cars) con­ceived by Annie Ryan. Dublin Fringe 1998; Irish and UK tour 2000; The Seag­ull by Anton Chekhov, trans­lated by Michael West. Project, Spring 1999;

Corn Exchange award high­lights include:

Win­ner of Amnesty Inter­na­tional Free­dom of Expres­sion Award, Scots­man Fringe First, The Stage Act­ing Award 2015 for A Girl is A Half-​Formed Thing by Eimear McBride, adapted for the stage and directed by Annie Ryan. Aoife Duf­fin nom­i­nated Best Emerg­ing Tal­ent, Evening Stan­dard Awards and Best Actress, Irish Times The­atre Awards 2016;

Nom­i­nated Best Direc­tor for Desire Under the Elms by Eugene O’Neill, Irish Times The­atre Awards 2014;

Win­ner of Best Direc­tor and Best Play, Irish Times The­atre Awards 2009 for Freefall by Michael West in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the company;

Win­ner of Best Ensemble,The Stage, Edin­burgh 2005 for Dublin By Lamp­light by Michael West in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the com­pany and nom­i­nated Best Ensem­ble, Irish Times The­atre Awards 2017.