Aoife Spillane-​Hinks

Aoife Spillane-Hinks

Aoife Spillane-​Hinks is an opera and the­atre direc­tor and dra­maturg based in Dublin.

She has a spe­cial inter­est in devel­op­ing and direct­ing new work.

She is the artis­tic direc­tor and co-​founder and of Then This The­atre. She is the lead artist and founder of the Lit­er­ary Depart­ment at Axis Ballymun.

Aoife most recently directed Lady Gre­gory in Amer­ica, an opera in one act by Alberto Caruso, with libretto by Colm Tóibín.

Other direct­ing cred­its include Iron­bound (Abbey Theatre/​Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val); Spir­its Unsur­ren­dered (Kil­main­ham Gaol/​Royal Irish Acad­emy of Music/​Then This The­atre); Holy Mary by Eoin Colfer (Olympia Theatre/​Breda Cashe Pro­duc­tions); The Span­ish Tragedy (Dublin Youth The­atre); King Arthur by Henry Pur­cell (Royal Irish Acad­emy of Music); A Thing I Can­not Name and 20 Shots of Opera (Irish National Opera); Spot­less, Col­lected Sto­ries and The Yel­low Wall­pa­per (Then This The­atre); It’s Not About Love (Mak­ing Strange/​Dublin Fringe); The Motherf***er with the Hat (ORion Pro­duc­tions); Run /​Don’t Run (Project Arts Centre/​National Tour); The 24 Hour Plays: Dublin (Abbey The­atre); Ham­let (Sec­ond Age); Boston Mar­riage (Gate Theatre/​Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val); Sharon’s Grave, Wait­ing for Godot, and Our Class (PICT Clas­sic The­atre, Pitts­burgh, USA).

Aoife was a recip­i­ent of a 2022 Markievicz Award from the Arts Council.

Aoife trained as a direc­tor on the Rough Magic SEEDS pro­gramme. She holds a BA in Folk­lore and Mythol­ogy from Har­vard Uni­ver­sity and an MA in Drama and The­atre Stud­ies from NUI Galway.