Choy-​Ping Ní Chléirigh-​Ng 吳彩萍

Choy-Ping Ní Chléirigh-Ng 吳彩萍

Owen Clarke

Choy-​Ping Ní Chléirigh-​Ng 吳彩萍 (°1997, they /​she) is a Hong Kong-​Irish the­atre maker and designer of set, cos­tume and video.

Ping was born and raised in Enniskerry, Wicklow.

They won a Lin­bury Prize and John Elvery Prize after grad­u­at­ing from MA Per­for­mance Design at Bris­tol Old Vic The­atre School (2021).

They have designed for venues includ­ing the Abbey The­atre, Bris­tol Old Vic and Sin­ga­pore Reper­tory Theatre.

They were a recip­i­ent of the Arts Coun­cil of Ireland’s Next Gen­er­a­tion Award (2022).

Their most recent work as a set and video designer includes Tear­mann Aiteach /​Queer Sanc­tu­ary, a new dance piece by Isabella Ober­län­der & Fearghus Ó Conchúr, which pre­miered as part of Dublin Fringe Fes­ti­val at Project Arts Centre.

Another recent piece of the­atre mak­ing /​design­ing, Win­dow a World, was co-​produced by Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val and BUDA Bel­gium through the EU’s Be Spec­tAC­Tive! project (2022).

Ping sees design as an ele­ment that can feel as live as the per­form­ers onstage. Ping’s past expe­ri­ence is mostly in the­atre, but they are inter­ested in live music, dance, opera and design-​led work in general.

They have worked as an asso­ciate /​assis­tant to design­ers such as Vicki Mor­timer, Sabine Dar­gent and Nina Dunn.

Ping is begin­ning to incor­po­rate mean­ing­ful sus­tain­abil­ity into their design process where pos­si­ble, inspired by the The­atre Green Book.