Dagogo Hart

Dagogo Hart

Dagogo Hart is a poet, play­wright, and spo­ken word artist whose words have wowed audi­ences from bar base­ments to Elec­tric Pic­nic stages.

He started per­form­ing in Dublin in 2016 in open mics and poetry slams, which saw him win the Slam Sun­day grand slam and become an All Ire­land poetry slam finalist.

Since then he has per­formed at fes­ti­vals like Elec­tric Pic­nic, St. Patricks, Dublin Fringe, Drogheda Lit­er­ary Fes­ti­val, Cúirt Inter­na­tional Poetry Fes­ti­val, and First Fortnight.

He is one-​third of the col­lec­tive WeAre­Griot; a poetry col­lec­tive that curates art events around poetry.

His per­sonal works include; The Home Project (a series of poetry films); Red­Beard Paddy (a poetry short film); Mmanwu (a play in the 2023 Dublin Fringe Fes­ti­val); See True (a spo­ken word vari­ety show) and Boy Child (a spoken-​word play), the last two co-​written with FeliSpeaks, Talk­a­tives; a hip-​hop and poetry slam as part of WeAreGriot.

Dagogo is also a mem­ber of the Bew­leys Café The­atre board of directors.

His poetry is inspired by his home­town in Lagos, Nige­ria, and his expe­ri­ence since mov­ing to Ireland.