Dar­ren Murphy

Darren Murphy

Dar­ren Mur­phy is a Dublin-​based play­wright, essay­ist, and aca­d­e­mic, orig­i­nally from Aldershot.

He has been pro­duced in the West End, Off-​Broadway, Dublin, Derry, and Edinburgh.

Plays include: X’ntigone for Prime Cut at the MAC, Belfast; Bunny’s Vendetta (com­mis­sioned for the inau­gural UK City of Cul­ture, Derry, 2013); Irish Blood, Eng­lish Heart, for Trafal­gar Stu­dios, West End; and Tabloid Caligula, at the Arcola in Lon­don and as part of the Off-​Broadway Fes­ti­val at E59E, New York.

He was an asso­ciate play­wright at the Abbey The­atre in 2018 and is cur­rently under com­mis­sion to the Lime Tree in Limerick.

His essay, The Play­wright & the Pugilist, was pub­lished in The Tan­ger­ine, and his recent arti­cle about authen­tic­ity and the London-​Irish play was pub­lished in the Irish Times. He com­pleted a cre­ative prac­tice PhD at Queen’s Uni­ver­sity, Belfast in 2021, where he was appointed a Cia­ran Car­son Writ­ing in the City Fel­low 202223, for the Sea­mus Heaney Centre.

He has taught play­writ­ing at Queen’s Uni­ver­sity, for the Irish Writ­ers Cen­tre, the Abbey The­atre, the Grif­fith Col­lege for CAPA – the Global Edu­ca­tion Net­work, and is an Assis­tant Pro­fes­sor in Cre­ative Writ­ing at DCU.

His plays are pub­lished by Methuen and Oberon.