Emma Wall

Emma Wall

Emma Wall is a writer and direc­tor from Ark­low, Co. Wicklow.

Emma began her writ­ing career in 2013. Funded by the BAI, she cre­ated the six-​part radio drama series Cra­dle, which received a Best Drama nom­i­na­tion at the 2014 PPI Awards.

Fol­low­ing this suc­cess, Emma pur­sued a career in cast­ing for TV and film. In 2016, she wrote her first short film, Spent, which had a suc­cess­ful fes­ti­val run. It was screened at pres­ti­gious events includ­ing the Chicago Irish Film Fes­ti­val, Din­gle Film Fes­ti­val, Fast­net Film Fes­ti­val, Under­ground Cin­ema, and Still Voice Film Fes­ti­val. Spent was selected by Women In Tele­vi­sion And Film Inter­na­tional to rep­re­sent Ire­land, screen­ing in over 40 coun­tries worldwide.

In 2018, Emma’s short film, Pat, was funded by Bumble’s Female Film Force. Pat was selected as one of five films funded out of 1,100 appli­ca­tions sub­mit­ted, and was the only Irish entry funded that year. Pat, Emma’s direc­to­r­ial debut, starred Ros­aleen Line­han and Moe Dun­ford. The film received numer­ous nom­i­na­tions and awards, includ­ing Best Short at the Lon­don Irish Film Fes­ti­val in 2019 and Best Short at the Chicago Irish Film Fes­ti­val in 2020. It was fea­tured in Aer Lin­gus’ in-​flight enter­tain­ment for 2021 and was sched­uled for broad­cast on RTE in Decem­ber 2022 as part of their shorts screen program.

Build­ing on her short film suc­cess, Emma was selected to par­tic­i­pate in Screen Ireland’s Spot­light pro­gramme for new and emerg­ing writ­ers. Under the men­tor­ship of Ais­ling Walsh and Michael Zam, she wrote her first fea­ture film, But­ter­fly, which com­pleted its sec­ond round of devel­op­ment in 2023.

Screen Ire­land also sup­ported Emma in devel­op­ing a thriller fea­ture film titled Duck, Duck, Goose, with Claire Frances Byrne set to direct. The script won Best Project of the JETS Ini­tia­tive pro­gramme for emerg­ing film­mak­ers at Berli­nale Inter­na­tional Film Fes­ti­val 2022.

Emma’s lat­est short film, Ready?, fea­tur­ing Niamh Brani­gan and Simon Delaney, pre­miered at the Gal­way Film Fes­ti­val in 2022. The film has since been show­cased at the Kerry Film Fes­ti­val and Irish Film Lon­don, enjoy­ing a suc­cess­ful fes­ti­val run through­out 2023 and 2024. Emma received a ‘Best Direc­tor’ nom­i­na­tion for Ready? at the 2023 Fast­net Film Fes­ti­val in Cork.

Emma was pre­vi­ously a co-​director of Alfonso Films from 20182024. Alfonso was an award win­ning female-​led pro­duc­tion com­pany based in Dublin, mak­ing numer­ous short films, music videos and com­mer­cials for brands includ­ing Aer Lin­gus, Oatly and Maynooth University.