Jade O’Connor

Jade O'Connor

Jade O’Connor is a the­atre maker, writer, singer and actor.

She col­lab­o­rates and devises with var­i­ous direc­tors, artists, musi­cians and the­atre com­pa­nies both nation­ally & inter­na­tion­ally and works across film, the­atre, music and dance.

She is delighted to be a 2024 asso­ciate artist at THISISPOPBABY.

Jade is a recip­i­ent of the Arts Coun­cil of Ireland’s Next Gen­er­a­tion Award 2023. She was selected to take part in the 2023 Next Stage Pro­gramme as part of the Dublin The­atre Festival.

Jade has just com­pleted writ­ing res­i­den­cies at Tyrone Guthrie Cen­tre and Cen­tre Cul­turel Irlandais, Paris. She has also received an Arts Coun­cil of Ire­land Com­mis­sions Award to develop her new the­atre work Dance­hall.

She has taken up res­i­dency at the National Folk The­atre of Ire­land, Siamsa Tire through­out May 2024.

As an screen and stage actor, Jade most recently played the role of Maria Pavlena on the Acorn TV Series Harry Wild, star­ring Jane Seymour.

In 2021 she made her cin­ema debut in the film Joyride, star­ring Olivia Cole­man and directed by Emer Reynolds. Jade plays a char­ac­ter called ‘Gunn’ in Sea­sons 2 & 3 of the MGM/​Netflix Show Vikings: Val­halla.