John O’Brien

John O'Brien

John O’Brien is a direc­tor, com­poser and con­duc­tor. He has worked on over sixty dif­fer­ent pro­duc­tions of opera and music the­atre in Ire­land, the UK and Canada, and has toured across Europe, Japan and China.

John com­posed and directed the operas Mor­rí­gan at Cork Opera House in 2022; and The Nightin­gale and the Rose, which pre­miered with an Irish tour in 2018.

He directed and co-​composed music for the world pre­mière of the play Heart of a Dog by Éadaoin O’Donoghue, at the Every­man The­atre and Dublin The­atre Festival.

John is acclaimed for direct­ing & con­duct­ing the operas Faust, Der Vampyr, Orpheus, and Pagli­acci at the Every­man Theatre.

Other com­po­si­tions include Eccle­si­astes, pre­miered by the Car­ducci String Quar­tet and Derbhle Crotty; Lul­laby for the City (In a Time of Pan­demic) for cham­ber orches­tra, pre­miered at Cork Mid­sum­mer Fes­ti­val; Easter 1916, pre­miered by Fiona Shaw and the RTÉ Con­cert Orches­tra; scores for the fea­ture films Tree Keeper and Shem the Pen­man Sings Again, pre­miered at the Gal­way Film Fleadh; as well as music for plays, short films, choral works, piano pieces and numer­ous oper­atic, choral and orches­tral arrangements.

Other projects include con­duct­ing the Cork Opera House Con­cert Orches­tra, most recently in a dou­ble bill of two Beethoven Sym­phonies (III and V), as well as con­cert per­for­mances of 15 dif­fer­ent operas since 2016, and numer­ous other con­certs. John directed the dance film Inner Land­scapes; has been guest con­duc­tor with the RTÉ Con­cert Orches­tra, the National Cham­ber Choir of Ire­land, and the National Sym­phony Orches­tra of Ire­land; and plays piano with Karen Underwood.