Julie Kelle­her

Julie Kelleher

Julie Kelle­her is a The­atre Direc­tor and Producer.

She holds a BA and an MA in Drama & The­atre Stud­ies from UCC and was the 2022/​23 Jerome Hynes Clore Lead­er­ship Fellow.

Cur­rent projects include the rede­vel­op­ment of Evening Train, a musi­cal by Mick Flannery.

Direct­ing cred­its include Found by Aideen Wylde (BrokenCrow/​Cork Mid­sum­mer Fes­ti­val); The Lone­some West by Mar­tin McDon­agh (The Every­man); Blue­tooth by Rachel Thorn­ton (The Every­man); Autumn Royal by Kevin Barry (The Every­man, asso­ciate direc­tor for remount); Danc­ing At Lugh­nasa by Brian Friel (The Every­man); The Fac­tory Girls by Frank McGuin­ness (The Every­man); The Strange Undo­ing of Pru­den­cia Hart by David Greig (The Every­man); Lovers by Brian Friel (The Every­man) and Man­tle by Ronan FitzGib­bon (BrokenCrow).

Pro­duc­ing cred­its include the world pre­mière of Mick Flannery’s Evening Train musi­cal (2019); the world pre­mière of Ask­ing for It by Louise O’Neill (Land­mark Pro­duc­tions and The Every­man, 2018); the world pre­mière of Autumn Royal by Kevin Barry (The Every­man, 2017); the Irish pre­mière of Future­proof by Lynda Radley (The Every­man, 2017); and The Scar­let Let­ter, devised by Con­flicted The­atre Com­pany after Nathaniel Hawthorne (2013).

Julie was Artis­tic Director/​CEO at Mer­maid Arts Cen­tre, Bray from 20202024 and Artis­tic Direc­tor of The Every­man, Cork from 2014 to 2020.

She has a pro­fes­sional back­ground in per­for­mance (act­ing and singing) and worked as an actor, direc­tor & pro­ducer with numer­ous Irish arts organ­i­sa­tions and com­pa­nies, includ­ing Painted Bird, Con­flicted, Bro­ken­Crow, Kin­sale Arts Week, Cork Mid­sum­mer Fes­ti­val, Ham­mer­grin, Cor­cadorca, Merid­ian, Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val, Fab­u­lous Beast Dance The­atre, The Per­for­mance Cor­po­ra­tion, Gare St. Lazare, Once Off Pro­duc­tions, Land­mark Pro­duc­tions, and Siren Productions.

Julie joined the board of Graf­fiti The­atre Com­pany in Sep­tem­ber 2017 and is the cur­rent chair. She sits on the Irish Playo­g­ra­phy Panel at Irish The­atre Insti­tute and served on the board of The­atre Forum Ire­land from 2016 to 2022, tak­ing on the role of Chair in the final three years of her term.