Kate Fine­gan

Kate Finegan

Photo: Shane O’Connor

Kate Fine­gan is an actor, aeri­al­ist, play­wright and the­atre maker.

She grad­u­ated with a first class hon­ours degree in Drama Stud­ies and Mod­ern Irish from Trin­ity Col­lege, Dublin.

Kate’s debut play Gammy pre­miered this year at Project Arts Cen­tre, Cairde Arts Fes­ti­val and Gal­way The­atre Fes­ti­val. Gammy is directed by Laura Sheeran and has received dra­matur­gi­cal sup­port from Wayne Jordan.

As an actor, fea­ture film cred­its include Cine 4 Fea­ture Tar­rac and Joyride; TV cred­its include North­ern Lights; Fair CityRTÉ 2 (dir. Mia Mur­ray) 20172020; Ros na RúnTG4 (dir. Jan­ice Ní Chur­raoin) 20142016; Klondike (Netflix).

Kate has toured nation­ally and inter­na­tion­ally with com­pa­nies such as Fid­get Feet, THI­SIS­POP­BABY, Fíbín and Añu Productions.

Kate is co-​director of award-​winning the­atre com­pany Fem­me­Bizarre. Along with Jade O’Connor, Kate has co-​created Dublin Fringe sell-​out shows includ­ing Haus of Fash Hun directed by Eoghan Car­rick and Caged directed by Jenny Jennings.

Kate has voiced national TV and radio cam­paigns such as AIB Future Sparks, Fly­e­Fit, ESB Net­works, Enter­prise Ire­land, Avon­dale, PTSB and An Post Mobile, among many others.

Kate is also a flu­ent Irish speaker and has been voic­ing Irish ani­ma­tions for TG4 since 2015.

Kate has recently returned from an artist res­i­dency at The Cen­tre Cul­turel Irlandais, Paris where she has begun writ­ing her next play, Dolly.

Kate has co-​created the short film Venous Returns (with glass sculp­tor Ali­son Lowry, musi­cian Jess Kavanagh & DOP Laura Sheeran), com­mis­sioned by The National Museum. The short film pre­miered at Belfast Inter­na­tional Arts Fes­ti­val 2023 and is cur­rently tour­ing the inter­na­tional short film fes­ti­val circuit.

Kate is a recip­i­ent of the Next Gen­er­a­tion Artists Award, The Arts Coun­cil, Ire­land in 2019.

Kate is one of this year’s asso­ciate artists with THISISPOPBABY.