Kevin Mur­phy

Kevin Murphy

Kevin Mur­phy is an award-​winning light­ing designer from Ire­land based between Lon­don and Dublin. He works across the­atre, dance, music and cir­cus arts.

Kevin grad­u­ated from The Lir Academy’s MFA Stage Design in 2021.

Cred­its include Sat­u­ra­tion (Dublin Mod­u­lar); Malig­nant Humour (Han­nah Gum­brielle); Dou­ble Act (Honey & Lemon); Bent (The Lir); Eury­dice (The Lir); Red Lines (Monika Palova & Sean McIl­raith); Dog Shit (Bel­laray Bertrand-​Webb); Ruin­ing The Act (Emily Kilkenny Roddy); AKEDAH (Hamp­stead); The Naughty Fox (Tou­can The­atre); Anatomy of a Night (Nick Niko­laou); The Blue House (Helikon The­atre); Cross Street (Fregoli).

Cred­its as an Associate/​Assistant Light­ing Designer include Emma (Abbey The­atre, with Light­ing Designer Sinead McKenna); Between River­side & Crazy (Hamp­stead The­atre, with Light­ing Designer Anna Wat­son); Wasted (MICA The­atre with Light­ing Designer Pablo Fer­nán­dez Baz); Dublin Old School (Emmet Kir­wan, Olympia The­atre, with Light­ing Designer Sarah-​Jane Shiels); An Ant Called Amy (Julie Sharkey, The Ark, with Light­ing Designer Sarah-​Jane Shiels).

In 2023 he was awarded ‘Best Light­ing Design’ at Dublin Fringe Fes­ti­val for his work on Red Lines (Monika Palova & Sean McIlraith).