Louise Lowe

Louise Lowe

Louise is a Direc­tor and Playwright.

As a the­atre maker she makes site-​specific and immer­sive art works within com­mu­ni­ties of space, place and interest.

Louise is a mem­ber of Aosdána.

Since co-​founding ANU in 2009, she has directed all of the company’s work to date, includ­ing: Star­jazzer (Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val 2024); Ham­mam (Abbey co-​production); Watch it flow Past from here (Gal­way Arts Fes­ti­val /​Land­mark Ulysses 2.2); Stag­ing The Treaty (ANU /​NCH); Old Ghosts (INO /​ANU Ulysses 2.2.), Lolling, All Hard­est of Woman, The Mouth of Flow­ers (DCC); The Book of Names (Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val, Dublin Port); Party to End All Par­ties (Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val, 2020); The Lost O’Casey (ANU /​Abbey); The Sin Eaters (Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val); Hen­town (Dublin City Coun­cil Com­mis­sion for Ten­e­ment Museum); These Rooms (Art:2016) in col­lab­o­ra­tion with Cois­Céim for Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val; On Cor­po­ra­tion Street (Home Man­ches­ter /​Cul­ture Ire­land) and Sun­der, Last Words and PALS in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the National Museum of Ire­land — Win­ner of two Irish Times The­atre Awards 2015); Reflect­ing the Ris­ing (RTE); Rebel Rebel (National and Inter­na­tional Tour); Beau­ti­ful Dream­ers (Lim­er­ick City of Cul­ture); Vardo (Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val); Angel Meadow (Win­ner of two awards at Man­ches­ter The­atre Awards includ­ing Best Pro­duc­tion and Best Ensem­ble, Nom­i­nated for Best Direc­tor Award, UK National The­atre Awards /​HOME Man­ches­ter); Thir­teen (Win­ner of the Judges Spe­cial Award, Irish Times Irish The­atre Awards) Dublin Ten­e­ment Expe­ri­ence; The Boys of Foley Street (Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val, Dublin City Coun­cil Pub­lic Art Com­mis­sion — Win­ner Best The­atri­cal Pro­duc­tion of the Year Award, Nom­i­nated for two Irish Times Irish The­atre Awards includ­ing Best Direc­tor Award); Laun­dry (Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val 2011, Win­ner of Best Pro­duc­tion Award, Irish Times Irish The­atre Awards, Nom­i­nated for Best Direc­tor Award Irish Times The­atre Awards); World’s End Lane (Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val 2011, Dublin Fringe 2010, Win­ner Best Off-​site Pro­duc­tion Award, Nom­i­nated Best Pro­duc­tion Award and Best Direc­tor Award, Irish Times The­atre Awards); Fin­gal Ronan (Robert Wil­son Water­mill Cen­ter New York); Mem­ory Deleted (Win­ner Best Fringe Pro­duc­tion Award) and Basin (Dublin Fringe Fes­ti­val 2009, Win­ner Irish Times The­atre Award).

Other direct­ing cred­its include: The Pull of The Stars (Gate The­atre); An Old Song Half For­got­ten (Abbey The­atre); The Stew­ard of Chris­ten­dom (Gate The­atre and National Tour); Mabel’s Mag­nif­i­cent Fly­ing Machine (The Gate); The Sav­iour (Irish Rep NYC, Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val); Test Dummy (The­atre Upstairs, Nom­i­nated Best New Play, Irish Times The­atre Awards); Deep (Cork Opera House); The End of the Road (Fisham­ble); Across the Lough (Per­for­mance Cor­po­ra­tion); Secret City, Right Here Right Now, The Baths, Deme­ter Project: Cul­tural Olympiad Pro­duc­tion (Prime Cut Pro­duc­tions); The Bell Room, Come For­ward to Meet You and Even­song (Upstate).

Play­writ­ing out­side of ANU: Mabel’s Mag­nif­i­cent Fly­ing Machine (Gate The­atre), BAIT: The­atre for one (Land­mark).