Maree Kearns

Maree Kearns

Maree’s career in set and cos­tume design has led to her being a reg­u­lar cre­ative col­lab­o­ra­tor with many of Ireland’s lead­ing com­pa­nies and direc­tors in the­atre, dance, opera, and musi­cals. She has cre­ated worlds for per­for­mance on stages big and small across the coun­try and inter­na­tion­ally, in site-​specific loca­tions, immer­sive expe­ri­ences and out­door productions.

Among her most recent work was Palimpsest by David Bol­ger and Cois­Ceim Dance The­atre, Ham­mam by Añu Pro­duc­tions and the Abbey The­atre, and the world pre­mière of Some­where Out there You by Nancy Har­ris at the Abbey Theatre.

Other work includes Sive at the Gai­ety The­atre, Flight by Jonathan Dove for Opera Col­lec­tive, cos­tume design for the widely acclaimed pro­duc­tion of Stag­ing the Treaty with Añu Pro­duc­tions, The Black­wa­ter Light­ship for the Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val at the Gai­ety and Orfeo ed Eury­dice for Black­wa­ter Val­ley Opera Festival.

In 2022, Maree was cho­sen to be the lead artist by the Abbey The­atre on a pro­duc­tion of The Three Mono­logues by Jen­nifer John­son at the Pea­cock The­atre, a new ini­tia­tive where the designer took the reins as the cre­ative lead of the show.

Maree’s design work has spanned almost 2 decades and counts set and cos­tume designs for The Abbey & Pea­cock The­atres, The Ark, Añu Pro­duc­tions, Every­man The­atre, Fisham­ble The­atre Com­pany, Cois­Ceim Dance The­atre Com­pany, Cork Opera House, Corn Exchange, An Gri­anann The­atre, Nomad The­atre Net­work, Land­mark Pro­duc­tions, RIAM, The Lir Acad­emy, Ver­dant Pro­duc­tions and many more.

Maree has also worked exten­sively in tele­vi­sion and film and is the course direc­tor for the Mas­ters in The­atre Design at the Lir Acad­emy in Dublin. She is the recip­i­ent of the Tanya Moi­sei­witsch design award at the Tyrone Guthrie Cen­tre in 2024.

For more infor­ma­tion see www​.mareekearns​.com