Mar­garet Mc Auliffe

Margaret Mc Auliffe

Photo: Ste Murray

Mar­garet Mc Auli­ffe is an actor and writer from Dublin.

As a writer she has enjoyed inter­na­tional suc­cess and crit­i­cal acclaim for her play The Humours of Ban­don.

A fea­ture adap­ta­tion of the play is cur­rently in devel­op­ment with Trea­sure Enter­tain­ment, with sup­port from Screen Ireland.

It was pub­lished my Blooms­bury Methuen Drama in 2017.

★★★★★ Broad­way Baby
★★★★ The Times
★★★★ Edin­burgh Guide
​★★★★ The List
​★★★★ The Scotsman

As part of the ‘Show in a Bag’ ini­tia­tive for the Dublin Fringe Fes­ti­val in 2016 Mar­garet wrote, pro­duced and per­formed her smash hit, one-​woman show, The Humours of Ban­don. The show won the Bewley’s Lit­tle Gem Award and Mar­garet was nom­i­nated as Best Per­former at the Dublin Fringe Awards. Fisham­ble has since pro­duced and toured The Humours of Ban­don both nation­ally and inter­na­tion­ally for the past 8 years includ­ing at the Edin­burgh Fringe ‘17; Brighton Fes­ti­val; UNOFest Vic­to­ria Canada and a tour of Welsh the­atres in 2018. She then toured the show in Aus­tralia and New York in 2019/​2020, in 2023 com­pleted a 7-​week tour of North Amer­ica and in Feb 2024 The Humours of Ban­don played at the Cen­tre Cul­tural Irlandais in Paris.

Mar­garet won the Irish Writer’s Guild (Zeb­bie) award for Best The­atre Script 2017. She was a recip­i­ent of the Pavil­ion Theatre’s Patron Artists’ Bur­sary 2017 and was awarded a week in the Pavil­ion The­atre Stu­dio in Octo­ber 2023. She was a mem­ber of the Irish The­atre Institute’s Six in the Attic pro­gramme 2018/​2019 and was selected as part of Fishamble’s ‘A Play for Ire­land’ ini­tia­tive in 2018. In 2020 she was awarded fund­ing towards writ­ing a new play through Fin­gal County Council.

As an actor she has worked with com­pa­nies such as The Col­lec­tive, Rough Magic, Col­laps­ing Horse, Fisham­ble and The Abbey Theatre.

Mar­garet recently wrapped on Rebekah Fortune’s fea­ture film, Learn­ing to Breathe Under Water.

The­atre cred­its include The Haunt­ing at Gusty Nook (Morb/​Axis Bal­ly­mun); Anna Karen­ina (Abbey The­atre); Much Ado about Noth­ing, Jezebel, Dig­ging for Fire (Rough Magic); kitchensinkdrama (The Col­lec­tive at Dublin Fringe); Requiem for the Truth (Col­laps­ing Horse at Bergen Fringe Fes­ti­val Norway).

Praise for The Humours of Ban­don:

…a delight… Mar­garet Mc Auli­ffe is a star… sit back and enjoy this emo­tional roller­coaster ride.’
Broad­way Baby

…witty and warm… Mc Auli­ffe, like this rather per­fectly formed show, is a win­ner…’
The Times

witty and poignant… told by a per­former who has lived and breathed the world she so expertly con­veys.’
The Scots­man

ter­rific one woman show… by turns sharp, charm­ing and hilar­i­ous… All round, a cham­pion turn.’
The Irish Times

truly breath­tak­ing… daz­zling per­for­mance that really needs to be seen to be believed.’
The Reviews Hub