Neil O’Driscoll

Neil O'Driscoll

Neil O’Driscoll designs pro­jec­tions for stage and has a prac­tice as an illus­tra­tor and filmmaker.

His recent the­atre work includes The Gig­gler Treat­ment at the Ark, Dublin; Eugene One­gin at the Belfast Opera House; Dance­hall Blues for Cois­céim Dance the­atre com­pany and After­wards at the Pea­cock, Dublin, as well as Fun Home at the Gate, Dublin; Palimpsest at the Com­plex, Dublin and The Sum­mer I Robbed A Bank at the Ever­man, Cork.

Fol­low­ing a degree in Film and TV at Edin­burgh Col­lege of Art and cer­tifi­cates in ani­ma­tion and crafts, Neil moved into free­lance illus­tra­tion whilst writ­ing and direct­ing inde­pen­dent films.

Fol­low­ing a request to design set and video for Happy End (dir. Jimmy Fay) in 2012, he then moved into pro­jec­tion design.

With broad expe­ri­ence in dif­fer­ent media, he often inte­grates draw­ing, ani­ma­tion and other hand­made ele­ments into his video designs.