Owen Boss

Owen Boss

Owen Boss is a Dublin-​based designer and visual artist.

In 2009 he co-​founded ANU and is the Co-​Artistic Direc­tor. His work is pre­dom­i­nantly made off­site as large-​scale multi-​room immer­sive instal­la­tions that employs col­lab­o­ra­tive prac­tice, research strate­gies, instal­la­tion and film.

His work with ANU includes both set design and visual art works with works includ­ing: Star­jazzer (Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val, Set Design, 2024), Ham­mam (The Abbey The­atre, Set Design, 2023), The Secret Space: Palimpsest (National Archives Ire­land, Art Instal­la­tion, 2023), The Death of Croppy Nel­son, Ulysses 2.2 (Liv­ing Can­vas, Dublin, Film Instal­la­tion, 2023), Old Ghosts, Ulysses 2.2 (Museum of Lit­er­a­ture, Dublin, Set Design, 2023), The Wernicke’s Area (Cre­ative Brain Week, Trin­ity Col­lege Dublin, 2023, Irish Museum of Mod­ern Art 2022, Art Instal­la­tion), The Slow Mov­ing Eye (National Gallery of Ire­land and Cen­tral Model Senior School, Art­work, 2022), Ulysses 2.2 (Var­i­ous Loca­tions Dublin 2022 /​2023), Stag­ing the Treaty (National Con­cert Hall, Dublin, Set Design, 2022), The Book of Names (Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val, Set Design 2021), The Secret Space (Project Arts Cen­tre, Art Instal­la­tion, 2021), Inter­sec­tion (The Lab Gallery, Art Instal­la­tion, 2019), Scrape­foot (The Ark, Art Instal­la­tion, 2019), Beyond These Rooms (Tate Exchange at Tate Liv­er­pool, National Museum of Ire­land, Art Instal­la­tion, 2019), Fault­line (Dublin The­atre fes­ti­val, 2019), The Anvil (Man­ches­ter Inter­na­tional Fes­ti­val, 2019), Falling out of Stand­ing (Din­gle Inter­na­tional Film Fes­ti­val 2019, Light Moves Fes­ti­val 2017, Damer House Gallery 2017), The Lost O’Casey (Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val, 2018), Falling Out of Stand­ing (Din­gle Inter­na­tional Film Fes­ti­val), These Rooms (Art:16 Arts Coun­cil com­mis­sion), Sun­der (Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val, Set Design, 2016), On Cor­po­ra­tion Street (HOME Man­ches­ter com­mis­sion), Pals the Irish at Gal­lipoli (National Museum of Ire­land), Vardo (Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val 2014), Angel Meadow (Home Com­mis­sion, Man­ches­ter, Nom­i­nated for Best Design), THIR­TEEN (Dublin Fringe Fes­ti­val 2013), Liv­ing the Lock­out The Dublin Ten­e­ment Expe­ri­ence (2013), Boys of Foley Street (Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val 2012), Laun­dry (Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val 2011), World’s End Lane (Re-​Viewed – Dublin The­atre Fes­ti­val 2011, Abso­lut Fringe 2010).

Design work out­side of ANU includes The Same (Cor­cadorca, The Irish Arts Cen­tre, New York, 2022, Gal­way Arts Fes­ti­val, 2018, Cork Prison, Set Design, 2016); Mabel’s Mag­nif­i­cent Fly­ing Machine (The Gate The­atre, Cos­tume and Set Design, 2021); Hail to the Great Wave (Cor­cadorca, Triskel Art Cen­tre, 2021); Con­tact (Cor­cadorca, Cork Mid­sum­mer Fes­ti­val, 2020).