Rob Moloney

Rob Moloney

Rob Moloney is a com­poser and sound designer for the­atre and dance. He has worked with many per­for­mance artists and the­atre com­pa­nies in Ire­land includ­ing Luke Mur­phy — Attic Projects, The Abbey The­atre, ANU Pro­duc­tions, Mac­nas, The Gate The­atre, Fisham­ble: The New Play Com­pany, Cor­cadorca, THE­ATRE­club, Bal­let Ire­land, Emma O’ Grady, and Painted Bird.

He stud­ied music at Uni­ver­sity Col­lege Cork and pur­sued fur­ther stud­ies in Orches­tra­tion and Advanced Mix­ing Tech­niques at Berklee.

Rob was one of the par­tic­i­pat­ing design­ers in the Irish pavil­ion at Prague Qua­dren­nial 2023 and has received two nom­i­na­tions for Best Sound Design at the Irish The­atre Awards.