Ronan O’Shea

Ronan O'Shea

Ronan is a Light­ing Designer and Asso­ciate Designer work­ing in Ire­land and internationally.

He began his career as a self taught designer light­ing stu­dent the­atre in the Gra­nary in Cork.

Since then Ronan has gone on to work with some of the biggest com­pa­nies and design­ers in Ire­land and across the world.

Ronan has toured across the U.K. as the Light­ing Designer for Grammy award-​winning vocal­ist Gre­gory Porter.

He has worked exten­sively in The­atre, Opera, and Dance with com­pa­nies such as The Abbey, Teac Damsa, Irish National Opera, Com­pany Philip Con­naughton, Cor­cadorca, Cork Opera House, The Every­man, Graf­fiti The­atre Com­pany, and many more.

Ronan also works exten­sively in archi­tec­ture, design­ing land and marine-​based projects world­wide, demon­strat­ing a unique abil­ity to bal­ance artis­tic pro­fi­ciency and tech­ni­cal excel­lence at any scale.

Cred­its include:

As Light­ing Designer:
Gre­gory Porter (UK Arena Tour), La Tradgadie de Car­men, The Cork Proms ‘23 (Cork Opera House), Coun­try OK, Can I Have Your Best Move? (Síob­hain Ní Dhuininn), Beauty and the Beast (Every­man), The Cur­ing Line (Stray­maker), Inter­fer­ence and Glen Hansard (Cyprus Avenue), (UN)Holy Blood (St. Luke’s), The Leg­end of Skøn­hed (Fitzgib­bon The­atre), Joseph and his Amaz­ing Tech­ni­colour Dream­coat (I.N.E.C. Arena), ELEC­TRA (KINO Cork), DNA (Cork Arts Theatre).

As Associate/​Assistant Light­ing Designer, Relighter:
Mám (LD. Adam Sil­ver­man, Ire­land, UK, USA), The Weir (LD. Jane Cox, The Abbey), Mor­ri­gan (LD. Stephen Dodd, Cork Opera House), The Same (LD. Michael Hur­ley, Irish Arts Cen­tre, New York), Gre­gory Porter (LD. Al Craw­ford, Royal Albert Hall, Lon­don). I Fall Down (LD. Michael Hur­ley, Craw­ford Art Gallery).

He fre­quently col­lab­o­rates on new projects, focus­ing on the devel­op­ment of inno­v­a­tive designs and the men­tor­ing of emerg­ing artists.

Ronan proudly serves on the com­mit­tee of the Irish Soci­ety of Per­for­mance Design­ers.