Una McK­e­vitt

Una McKevitt

Una McK­e­vitt is an Irish writer and direc­tor whose mul­ti­fac­eted career spans the­atre, com­edy, and publishing.

Her play One Good Turn, an Abbey The­atre com­mis­sion, pre­miered on the main stage in June 2021 and received strong praise for its skil­ful por­trayal of ordi­nary life. The Guardian described it as “ordi­nar­i­ness art­fully shaped into 80 min­utes,” while the Sun­day Busi­ness Post high­lighted it as a thrilling return to live the­atre for the Abbey.

In 2016 Una won The Stew­art Parker New Writ­ing Award for Alien Doc­u­men­tary and is cur­rently writ­ing a new play under com­mis­sion at The Abbey The­atre, Dublin.

As a Direc­tor Una has toured with the phe­nom­e­nally suc­cess­ful stage show of the pod­cast My Ther­a­pist Ghosted Me, fea­tur­ing Joanne McNally and Vogue Williams across the UK and Ire­land, includ­ing three nights at The Apollo Ham­mer­smith and five nights at the 3Arena in Dublin. She has also directed the stage show of the pop­u­lar pod­cast Spencer & Vogue with Spencer Math­ews and Vogue Williams.

Una’s col­lab­o­ra­tion with come­di­ans has been a sig­nif­i­cant aspect of her career. She has co-​written and directed sev­eral suc­cess­ful pro­duc­tions with PJ Gal­lagher (Mad­house, 2019) and has worked with Joanne McNally for the pre­vi­ous ten years, includ­ing on her stage show Bite Me and her Stand-​Up show The Pros­ecco Express.

Her edi­to­r­ial work includes PJ Gallagher’s 2023 mem­oir Mad­house and an upcom­ing pub­li­ca­tion with Pen­guin Ran­dom House by the come­dian Joanne McNally, set for release in 2025.